"Greece, greek islands, travel, taksidia, diakopes, ekdromi, tourismos" Tourismos Travel Guru: attractions
Showing posts with label attractions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attractions. Show all posts

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Sifnos island, Cyclades - Greece: exotic beaches and main attractions | ...

Welcome to #Sifnos, one of the most beautiful and picturesque islands of the #Cyclades, in #Greece!


#Traditional #settlements, #popular #attractions and the #top #beaches of the #island.

This #summer, Greece, the birthplace of the ancient gods, will offer you unforgettable #moments and strong #emotions! #Exotic #holidays in the Cyclades, the #Caribbean of #Europe! Endless refreshing #swimming, #sunshine and #warm #weather, #relaxation, #picturesque #villages, #delicious #food and unspoiled #nature.

#Paradise on #earth has a name and is located in Greece!

Stay #tuned, as we will get to know the #secrets of Sifnos.


00:00 INTRO

00:58 Sifnos island

02:53 #Apollonia, the #capital of Sifnos

03:37 #Kastro, the #castle neighborhood

04:48 #Poulati church

05:08 #Kamares #port

05:45 #Kamares #beach

06:10 #Vathi beach

06:46 #Platis #Gialos beach

07:37 Poulati rocky beach

08:20 #Cheronissos beach

08:40 Sifnos #hiking #trails

08:54 Sifnos #Greek #cuisine

09:07 maps


At the end of the #video you will find detailed #maps of the area.

Do you like the video? click like and subscribe to #discover exotic #places and enchanting #stories.


Music theme: Dimka - Cancao do Mar (Runnismos travel mix)


Sifnos: the most delicious Greek island

The Greek island of Sifnos in the Cyclades has the most sizzling food scene in the #Mediterranean right now.


On most Greek islands, what hits you first is the light, bouncing off burnished rocks or painting the horizon a fuzzy peach. On wildly beautiful Sifnos in the Cyclades, it's the aroma of orange-and-anise biscuits drifting down whitewashed lanes; pockets of sage and oregano in wind-chiselled valleys; blasts of brine as sea urchins are prised open, orange roe scooped up with salty fingers.


In summer, stepping off the #ferry at Kamares, the island's unassuming little port, there is also the unmistakable perfume of sizzling calamari and suntan oil. If it is early afternoon, I stroll along the hot boardwalk to the sandy beach of Agia #Marina and dive straight into the sea. The octopus bruschetta and aubergine chips at the #Isalos beach bar taste even better when I have sand between my toes. As a lilac haze settles over the bay, I toast my return to the island with a cucumber #Margarita.

Sifnos, the island of flavours. Unique traditional villages, organized or #secluded beaches, and 227 churches spread around the island are waiting to be discovered.

A few kilometers away from the town lies the traditional settlement of #Artemónas, famous for its neoclassic mansions and its outstanding panoramic view of the island. Some of the most famous restaurants and patisseries of Sifnos will welcome you here with fresh homemade cookies and hot doughnuts. If you need to spend a relaxing vacation, then Artemónas is the ideal place to book your accommodation.



The historic settlement of Kástro (meaning “castle”), inhabited since ancient times, is built over the ruins of ancient Sífnos, on an abrupt rock with a breathtaking view of the sea. A beautiful outdoor museum and one of the most picturesque villages in the island, Kástro stands out for its old houses with the wooden balconies, the ancient columns and the narrow courtyards.


The visitor still enters the village from "lozies", the castle’s old entrances. In the past, these arcade-like entrances were used as war towers in order to protect the settlement. The houses in the front, built one next to another, used to be inhabited by lower class people, whereas the inner, and more protected part of the settlement was occupied by the upper class. Admire the picturesque little church of “Eftamártyros” (Church of Seven Martyrs), perched on a rock that seems to rise from the sea, and don’t forget to visit the Archaeological #Museum.

Swim in crystal-clear waters.

Whether cosmopolitan or secluded, all the beaches in Sífnos offer to the sun-loving tourists azure waters and sun-drenched sandy beaches. Kamáres, the port of the island, is a sandy beach with trees and beach bars; Platís Yialós is the most cosmopolitan and buzzing beach in the island, whereas next to it lies Vathí, a sandy beach with shallow waters and many tavernas where you can enjoy fresh fish. The rocks in Chrisopigí, where also the homonymous Monastery proudly stands, are ideal for diving. If you’d like to rest under a cool shade, head to the next beach which is surrounded by salt water loving trees. If you find yourself in Kástro, follow down the path to “Eptá Mártyres”, and enjoy a leisurely swim.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Agrotourisme en Grèce : ancienne Amphipolis & Serres - Macédoine

Bienvenue à Serres! Macédoine Il existe de rares cas où l'homme acquiert des dons divins. Il crée un lac artificiel et offre un abri aux espèces d'oiseaux et de faune protégées. Construit des bâtiments majestueux qui portent le message d'espoir pour l'immortalité ... Dans le nord de la Grèce, il existe une vallée fertile qui offre depuis des siècles ses fruits à l'humanité, avec de beaux paysages, des monuments majestueux, des lieux sacrés et des tombes pleines de mystère… L'ancien Siris était situé ici depuis les années d'Hérodote. Une ville riche et puissante, qui a connu la prospérité mais qui a également été témoin de nombreuses catastrophes. Mais il a survécu! La ville moderne, avec un nom légèrement changé et se trouve à 70 km de Thessalonique. C'est la deuxième plus grande ville de Macédoine La ville est construite sous l'Acropole appelée Koulas. La vue d'en haut est panoramique. La ville entière à vos pieds! Faites une visite des ruines du château byzantin et de la tour d'Oreste, de la pittoresque église d'Agios Nikolaos, du parc forestier, puis pour prendre un café ou manger à Cityzen, qui à Noël est décoré et vous emmène dans un décor de conte de fées. La vallée d'Agioi Anargyroi. Lieu de prédilection des habitants pour la marche et le sport. En raison des guerres, Serres a été incendiée, de sorte que la ville actuelle est nouvellement construite avec quelques bâtiments anciens survivants. Néanmoins, d'innombrables coins de la ville vous exciteront, comme la place de la Liberté avec Bezesteni, l'ancien marché qui abrite aujourd'hui le musée archéologique de la ville, la mairie, les beaux trottoirs pleins de monde et de vie, les bâtiments néoclassiques, mais aussi les cafés et tavernes soignés. Ici à Serres, malgré les problèmes et les difficultés de la vie, les gens savent vivre et ne pas abandonner. Essayez les célèbres Akanes de la famille Roubos. Recette secrète à base de beurre de buffle. Un type de gourmandise gourmande. Puis le fameux bougatsa de Serres! Une tarte à la crème ou au fromage Flânez dans les rues de la ville et allumez une bougie dans ses églises. Agios Georgios le Kryoneritis, l'ancien diocèse, l'église métropolitaine des taxiarches se démarquent. Le musée ecclésiastique et le musée de Sarakatsani valent le détour, tandis que les mosquées de la ville témoignent de son passé ottoman. Juste à l'extérieur de la ville se trouve le circuit de Serres, le plus grand niveau de Formule 3 de Grèce. Attractions à Serres Amphipolis, une ancienne ville macédonienne majestueuse à l'embouchure de la rivière Strymon. Alexandre le Grand est-il enterré ici? La récente découverte archéologique de la tombe de Kastas a choqué le public du monde entier. Sphinx et cariatides, chambres funéraires cachées, mystère, catastrophes et mosaïques ornées. Dès le début du XXe siècle, la découverte du Lion d'Amphipolis, une statue majestueuse, témoignait que quelque chose d'important, de taille royale, existait dans la région. Peut-être que le fait que le lion n'a pas de langue suggère que nous ne connaîtrons peut-être jamais la vraie vérité ... Au musée archéologique d'Amphipolis, vous pouvez voir une multitude d'expositions et bientôt le tombeau macédonien sur la colline de Kasta sera ouvert au public. Lac Kerkini. L'une des zones humides les plus importantes d'Europe. Les oiseaux migrateurs rares, les buffles et la nature riche créent une expérience unique pour le visiteur. Le bateau, l'observation des pélicans et des flamants roses, le cyclisme et les promenades en 4x4 hors route ne sont que quelques-unes des options disponibles. Pittoresques, tavernes avec viande et légumes frais, spécialités comme Buffalo dans la coque Neo Petritsi au pied de la montagne Beles Vyroneia Akritochori avec le Saint Ermitage de Timios Prodromos. Poroia La colonie de Kerkini Lithotopos à côté du barrage du lac. Vue unique et poisson frais du lac, un paysage cinématographique qui a servi de décor à la trilogie Theodoros Angelopoulos: la prairie en pleurs. Dans la gorge de la rivière Angitis se trouve la grotte d'Alistrati. Stalactites de 15 mètres dans une variété de couleurs et de formations. Une merveille de la nature avec des galeries de 3 km et des chambres inexplorées. Centre de ski Lailia. Le monastère de Timios Prodromos de Serres a été construit en 1270 et est un monument d'une beauté étonnante de l'art byzantin Sidirokastro offre un environnement macédonien authentique, les ruines d'un château construit par l'empereur Basile II, le magnifique monastère d'Agios Kirikos et Iouliti et les célèbres thermes de Sidirokastro avec de nombreuses personnes qui les visitent pour un traitement ou un rajeunissement. A proximité, la grotte de Zesta Nera et les sources chaudes. Agistro, qui possède également des sources chaudes. Un merveilleux voyage rafraîchissant qui allie bonne cuisine, hébergement agréable et traitement! forteresse Rupel #GrèceAttractions #TombeauAmphipolis #SerresKerkini

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Francfort-sur-le-Main, l'impressionnante métropole d'Allemagne - guide de voyage

#Francfort-sur-le-Main. #Allemagne. Au cœur de l'#Europe, il y a une belle ville d'un riche intérêt. Une #métropole de culture et d'#économie qui ne dort jamais. L'une des villes les plus populaires d'Allemagne avec une réputation dépassant sa taille. La porte d'entrée vers l'Europe. Le "Main-hattan" de l'Allemagne, comme on l'appelle généralement. Il a une population de 700 000 habitants, dont la moitié sont des non-Allemands. #Diversité, variété, progrès! La ville est construite sur les rives de la rivière Main, qui est un affluent du Rhin. Francfort signifie la traversée de la rivière (le gué) des #Francs, une des tribus germaniques. La grande zone urbaine de Francfort compte 2,3 millions d'habitants. La ville est située au centre de la métropole Rhin-Main, ce qui la classe comme la deuxième région la plus peuplée d'Allemagne! Francfort abrite le plus grand #centre #financier d'Europe continentale. D'une part les rives, les gratte-ciel, les grandes entreprises et les marchés, et d'autre part, la culture, l'esthétique et la tradition. Une chose est sûre: cette métropole de Main a tout pour plaire, elle peut donc offrir quelque chose à tout le monde. Meilleures #attractions. #Römerberg (qui signifie montagne romaine) est le cœur historique de Francfort, la magnifique vieille ville. Il a été une fois détruit mais soigneusement reconstruit. Voici le #Rathaus (mairie) datant de 1405 et encadré de maisons traditionnelles construites en brique et en bois. Explorez les rives de la rivière Main. certaines des institutions les plus importantes et les plus remarquables de la ville se trouvent au bord du fleuve. Apprenez à connaître l'histoire locale de manière expérientielle! Faites du vélo, faites de la course à pied ou profitez d'une croisière relaxante en bateau. Les incroyables gratte-ciel de Francfort vous fascineront sûrement! Marchez dans leurs ombres, en regardant constamment vers le haut. Un paysage à l'américaine au cœur de l'Europe. Certaines des entreprises et organisations les plus importantes du monde sont basées à Francfort. Avec dix #bâtiments de plus de 150 mètres de haut dans le centre-ville, Francfort a un horizon unique pour les normes européennes. Seule la tour principale est actuellement ouverte au public. Dans la tour principale, les visiteurs ne peuvent s'empêcher d'admirer l'expérience de vues sans fin qu'offre la terrasse, à 200 m d'altitude, vers l'horizon de cette imposante métropole. Heures d'ouverture: tous les jours. Billet 7,50 euros. Découvrez le #zoo et les #jardins #botaniques de Francfort. Le zoo de Francfort, situé au cœur de la ville, abrite environ 500 espèces d'animaux du monde entier. Ouvert 365 jours par an. Le #Palmengarten accueille des espèces de flore provenant de diverses zones climatiques dans un parc. Des expositions et des festivités de renommée internationale offrent une gamme de merveilleux programmes colorés. Explorez les #musées de la ville (Goethe, art moderne, juif, Lieieghaus, etc.), les théâtres, l'opéra et d'autres attractions culturelles majeures de Francfort telles que la tour d'Eschenheim. Prenez des selfies et admirez la sculpture de pièces en euros près de l'opéra, entourée de gratte-ciel. La Hauptbahnhof est la gare principale qui vous relie de manière cohérente et sûre avec tout le pays. Prenez un café chaud et explorez le quartier. Certains des graffitis les plus frappants de Francfort se trouvent ici. La #cathédrale et les principales églises du centre de Francfort sont un "musée en plein air" religieux, une expérience utile pour se familiariser avec la culture locale. La cathédrale Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Leonhardskirche, l'Alle Nikolaikirche, l'église Saint-Katherinen Kirche et l'église Saint-Paul sont les plus célèbres et les plus importantes. #Activités amusantes à faire à Francfort Aller faire les #courses! Les marchés et centres commerciaux de la ville vous enthousiasmeront vraiment! Variété illimitée, prix normaux et innovations Visitez Francfort à #Noël Vous ne le regretterez jamais. L'atmosphère chaleureuse et les événements locaux créent un conte de fées vivant. Des marchés de Noël brillants avec de délicieuses odeurs alléchantes dans chaque coin. Les Allemands sont des experts dans la création d'un bel esprit de Noël qui vous touchera vous et vos proches! Le soir du Nouvel An, dirigez-vous vers les ponts de Francfort pour assister à un spectaculaire feu d'artifice pour accueillir la nouvelle année! Sortez explorer les rues, mangez et buvez comme les Allemands! Merveilleuse bière, vin chaud (Glühwein), délicieuses saucisses (wurst), schnitzel inoubliable et soupes chaudes ne sont que quelques-unes des spécialités locales Sans parler de tous les différents types de chocolat et de bonbons allemands. délicieux! Utilisez les transports en commun de la ville tels que le tramway, le métro ou les bus de Francfort N'arrêtez pas de traverser les ponts de la ville, en passant d'une rive #AttractionsFrancfort #GuideAllemagne #FrancfortAllemagneNoël

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Switzerland travel guide: top attractions & places of Zürich

We are in Switzerland. The beauties of Zürich: top sights and attractions. Have you ever wondered what a city with perhaps the most expensive cost of living on the planet looks like? A place that nevertheless has the highest indicators of prosperity and offers ideal living conditions to its citizens. . #ZürichAttractions #ZürichSwitzerland #Switzerlandtravelguide At the point where the #Limmat and #Sihl #rivers flow into #Lake #Zurich, lies the #city of the same name. The largest #financial and #banking #center of the #country, Zurich, has a population of 415 thousand #inhabitants. The #international #airport and #railway #network have made the city the main #gateway to #Switzerland and a starting point for #excursions to the wonderful #Alpine #resorts and #beautiful #Swiss nature. In antiquity the area was inhabited by #Celts. When the #Romans came they named the new #fortress #Turicum, from which the word Zurich comes. It is true that the inhabitants of the city have fought over time to maintain the privileges of self-determination, neutrality, economic stability and prosperity. It seems that, despite a few wars and conflicts, they did it pretty well! So let's start our tour of the beauties and attractions of Zurich: To the left and right of the river Limat lies the center of Zurich, the wonderful old town or #Altstadt and you will need at least 2 days to explore it. The walk along the river is a good start that will excite you. Sturdy buildings and bridges mirrored in icy alpine waters. The 11th-century #Fraumünster church stand out with the incredible stained glass windows of #MarcChagall, while accross the river, through a historic bridge, stands the 12th-century #Grossmünster church, with its iconic twin Romanesque bell towers. On the next bridge is the #TownHall and opposite the arched path in the old #Schiphe merchants district. And a little further on, the church of St. Peter with the big clock that is said to be the largest in Europe! Continuing north, on #Uraniastrasse, the imposing #Urania observatory also functions as a planetarium for the public, while housing the unique jules verne panorama bar. And 2 bridges up north lies the Central Railway Station of Zurich and the National #Museum of Switzerland, which at Christmas turns into a winter wonderland. We are transfered to the main shopping street of the city. The #Bahnhofstrasse. This place will amaze you with the luxury shops, while the pulse of the area will captivate you. Try #Sprüngli macaron, a wonderful delicacy at #Paradeplatz. At night, the lights and the decoration make the place fabulous! Respectively, the neighboring Rennweg with boutiques and hotels. We continue to #Niederdorf, the old town of Zurich with its traditional buildings and shops. An impressive journey back in time. On the shores of the lake is built the city opera in the square #Sechseleutenplatz. At his #wonderful #location is gloriously celebrated Silvester, the arrival of the new year with the most #impressive #fireworks you have ever seen! The historic Café Bar ODEON is located near the #Opera House and opposite the #Conelli #Circus, in the river! Discover the water fountains of Zurich, especially the one with the flowers, admire the #statues and the #murals of the #buildings, enter the churches and let the decoration and spirituality captivate you. The spas of the city are a must, as they try to bring the experience of #Alpine #baths in Zurich. During the holidays the city wears its shining #ornaments, in a discreet, minimal but so impressive way. Thousands of lights cover the streets, as if they were millions of stars of #Heaven and invite you to dance the #Christmas #waltz. #Gluwein will definitely help a lot! The city's museums include the #Kunsthaus, the #FIFA #football #museum and the #Rietberg. The zoo and the botanical garden will amaze you, while if you want to enjoy Zurich from above you will go to the #Uetliberg hill. This wonderful and expensive city, with the lake, at your feet! For more dynamic experiences, a boat tour on the lake is suggested, while, when the weather warms up, the locals take a dive in the cool waters of the city's canals. Could you stand it? The local prices of food will seem to you steep, but an onion soup or pumpkin soup will warm you up and a fondue will take you off! Not to mention the world-famous and delicious #Swiss #chocolates, elegant Swiss #watches, #jewelry and the Swiss #Army #knifes that arouse the consumer frenzy of tourists. And one more thing: Zurich has the most clubs per inhabitant… So get ready for endless clubbing! After all, Zurich is probably a very expensive city, but that does not mean that almost everyone can visit it and enjoy it… It's simply a matter of know-how

Monday, January 3, 2022

Budapest, Hungary | Discover the attractions and the magic of the Queen of Danube


Welcome to #Budapest. The capital of #Hungary, in the heart of #Europe. A #magical crossroads of #civilizations: Celts, Romans, #Hungarians, Turks and #Germans have left their mark on this place. The beautiful Queen of the #Danube, is a global city whose #grace will captivate you. #Castles, #bridges, #palaces, #art and #perfumes will make you live an unforgettable #travel #experience. Do you like the #video? Click like and sign up to #discover enchanting #destinations and #exciting #stories. We are located in the country of the #Magyars, Hungary. A majestic #capital, two #cities, #Buda and #Pest, the sweet Danube #song, the sounds of Hungarian #traditional #dances, the #melodies of #classical #music, the absolute #exotic #wellness of the #hot #medicinal #baths and the irresistible #Christmas #atmosphere. All this together and even more compose Budapest! One of the most charming capitals you will ever visit in your life. Stay with us as we get to know the #secrets of the city and the most impressive #sights. The Royal Castle of Buda. Enjoy the breathtaking #panoramic view of the city. The #historic #cable #car lifts you comfortably up the hill. The #Fisherman's #Bastion, one of the most #picturesque corners of Budapest. The #church of #Matthias with its amazing #architecture and decoration. #Gellert Hill, the #cave, the #statues and the imposing #monument of liberation Hungary's #parliament, built on the Danube, is the third largest in the #world. The unique hot #springs of Budapest. #Szecheny, Gellert, and #Rudas stand out. The magnificent bridges that connect Buda with Pest. #Elizabeth bridge, Szecheny bridge with #chains, #Margarita bridge and #freedom bridge St. #Stephen's #Cathedral, the center of #Christmas events and more #Heroes' #Square, a unique monument to the history of the Hungarian #people. Nearby lie the #Museums of #Fine Arts and #Contemporary #Art. City #Park. The park #Városliget with countless options: #ice #skating, #zoo and #botanical #garden, #lakes and the #fairytale #Vajdahunyad castle with its famous #spooky statue. #Shoes on the Danube, a work of art that honors the victims of the Holocaust. The #Dohany Street #Synagogue, one of the largest in Europe. The #island of Margarita, the main recreation area for locals and visitors with a music fountain, flower gardens and baths. The city #opera House of #Terror, museum in the building of the former secret services and their dark action Central #Market, #delicacies, local flavors, #sweets and #souvenirs of the city. Danube #cruise, an incredible water experience. #Andrassy Avenue The typical #trams of the city, decorated for the holidays The historic #metro of Budapest, one of the oldest in Europe The #alleys of Pest The old #town of Buddha The #Christmas #markets The wonderful dishes of Hungarian #cuisine. #Goulash #soup, #schnitzel, and other delicacies The delicious local sweets, like #Kürtőskalács. Budapest, your next favorite magical destination! Since emerging from behind the Iron Curtain, Budapest has become one of Europe's best-loved short-break destinations. And with good reason. The city has been called the 'Paris of the East', and romance is all around. Through the middle runs the Danube, lights from illuminated bridges dancing at its surface. The hills of Buda rear from the western bank, home to the cobbled medieval quarter with its grand palace and multi-coloured Matthias Church. Across the river sits the magnificent domed Parliament building, and around it the elegant 19th-century mansions that today contain the shops, #bars and #cafés that give Pest its buzz. You can browse a colourful market for wooden crafts in the morning, soak in a thermal bath after lunch and head for the crumbling courtyard of an atmospheric 'ruin pub' after dark. Every type of cuisine is represented in the restaurants, there’s #accommodation to suit any pocket, and the sights are rarely more than a short walk away. Cross the road to join Váci utca, the pedestrianised artery that runs through the heart of the Belváros (Downtown), lined with boutiques – but beware the over-priced gift shops. It's a vibrant street of buskers, history and the occasional intriguing statue (a favourite is the 'Fisher Girl' in Kristóf tér). After a kilometre, you'll emerge into the grand Vörösmarty tér, where it would be a crime not to stop for a cake at Gerbeaud, the most famous café in Hungary. Head out of the square's top right corner towards #Erzsébet tér, where you could take a spin on the Budapest Eye with its views across the rooftops. It's a short hop from here to the domed St Stephen's Basilica, which also offers splendid views from its gallery – and a casket containing the mummified right hand of St Stephen. Franz #Liszt

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Italy - Portovenere: top beaches & attractions | exotic Italian riviera


Porto Venere - La Spezia. A picturesque fishing village of Italy with a rich history which offers unique emotions and breathtaking images! Can paradise be found at the steep point of the union of a green slope that dives into the bright blue of the sea? #Italy #portovenere #exoticplaces A #magical place whose fame is spreading rapidly is the Five Lands. #Impressive, #colorful, truly #unforgettable! In this video, however, we will get to know the 6th aristocratic Land… who has nothing to envy from the rest. As you understand we are in beautiful Italy. Portovenere has almost 4 thousand inhabitants and lies 20 minutes away from #LaSpezia, the capital of the province and about 1:30 hours away from #Genoa in the west or from #Pisa in the east. Portus Veneris, as the #Romans originally called it, has been included in the #UNESCO World #Heritage List since 1997, along with the #CinqueTerre as we mentioned earlier. Its name means "port dedicated to #Aphrodite / #Venus in Latin" and you won’t believe in your eyes out of so many beauties! It is located in one of the most iconic parts of the Italian peninsula, where the eastern #Riviera of #Liguria meets the Gulf of #Poets. Specifically, the poet Francesco #Petrarca wrote the year 1338: "To those who come from the sea, the port of Aphrodite emerges on hills covered by olive trees, with such sweetness that even the Goddess #Athena forgot her homeland Athens". Let's see now the most important sights: We start with the imposing church of #SanPietro, #Gothic style, built on the Cape of Porto Venere. At the same place there was an ancient temple dedicated to Venus who was born from the foam of the sea. #Doria Castle. The #fortress is located on a rocky hill overlooking the seaside village and is considered one of the most #majestic military buildings built by the Republic of Genoa, on the ruins of an ancient citadel. The church of #SanLorenzo - the sanctuary of #Madonna #Bianca. This #Romanesque #church was built by the Genoese in the 12th century. At the same point it is speculated that the #temple of #Zeus was located. The #Cave of #Grotta dell'Arpaia, now cpartially collapsed, known as the cave of #Byron, from which the famous English poet swam across the bay of La Spezia in 1822 to reach Lerici. The San Venerio #Lighthouse on #Tino Island, built in 1839. Via Giovanni Capellini, the inner road that leads to the castle, starts from the #Porta del Borgo gate and is full of shops, perfumes, flavors and medieval air! On the islands of #Palmaria, Tino and #Tinetto you will find some of the most famous beaches in northern Italy, thanks to the crystal clear waters and currents of the Ligurian Sea. They are just a stone's throw from Porto Venere and can be explored by boat or yacht. Tropical beaches, sea caves and the endless Italian blue! Do not stop for a moment to breathe the colorful atmosphere and the beauties of this unique part of Italy. An aphrodisiac place, where on summer evenings, while you enjoy your drink with such incomparable views, suddenly the local #Maestralino wind comes from the northwest and cools you with grace. Seafood and local Ligurian specialties will excite you so much that you will scream #Mamamia out of satisfaction! Live your #dream in Italy: forever romantic and unforgettable! Give a like to this video! Follow us on facebook and instagram for extra material and backstage! Express yourself, write a comment. Share it with your friends I'm Anastasios Grekos and you just watched #Runnismos #travelguru #channel. Thanks for watching and subscribe for more videos, romantic Italian landscapes, and exotic beaches! Natural places in Porto Venere include the famous sea caves Byron (Cala dell'Arpaia), Azzurra or Blue Cave (semi-submerged) and Tinetto; the cavity of the Doves and the wall of Tino, the shoal of Dante and Small and Big creeks. Byron's cave, named after the English poet George Gordon Byron, who found inspiration and meditation for his literary works here. It is located at the spur of rock below the church of St. Peter and the old defensive position, the marine cave has a minimum depth of five meters and a maximum of twenty along the side. The Regional Natural Park in Portovenere offers a unique landscape with its high coasts, caves and vegetation that permeates the atmosphere in any season with the changing shades of color. An element that blends and harmonizes every detail is the sea, sometimes calm and clear, so as to reflect like a mirror enchanted multicolored rocks and seagulls, sometimes rough and almost angry. To crown the Park archipelago with three islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto, defying the blue sea in a swirl of aromas and looks towards the infinite. But the park is not only Nature, History dwells here since prehistoric times with the Cave of the Doves, until the recent past in which Guglielmo Marconi experimented in front of the village his innovative studies.
